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Not long ago, employment seekers had just a few options to follow in order to land that dream job -- newspaper classifieds, trade journals and a network of family and friends. The Internet has changed that. Now job leads from employers all over the world can scroll across any web user's desktop as fast as they can be read. In addition, these sites offer tips from how to dress at the interview to what salary and benefits to ask for. A far cry from newsprint, you can scan thousands of job listings and not get ink on your hands! Follow these links to see what is available in the fields you are interested in.

Careers in Canada

The Canadian Film and Television Production Association

The Canadian Film and Television Production Association sponsors an exciting website which contains information about training and education in film and television.

The Canadian Public Relations Society

The Canadian Public Relations Society offers a placement service for entry level positions.


A helpful site to consult for entry-level positions is Careeredge, a national not-for-profit agency that places graduates in paid internship positions.

Human Resources Development

Human Resources Development is the Canadian Government department dealing with employment.

Canadian Television Fund

Supported by the Government of Canada and the Cable Industry. Provides funds for specific purposes.

Canadian Media Guild

Canadian Media Guild: a union for broadcasters

Careers in the U.S.

Searching the web for jobs
Using as a search engine, try the subject search terms "jobs" and "media". Also try jobs with any of the media types (newspapers, magazines, television, radio).

Editor and Publisher

The classified ad listings are THE way to find a job for this Web edition of E&P -- a must read for any reporter, editor or advertising employee to develop a career in print.

National Association of Broadcasters

Not only can you scan current job listings, but you can also add your resume to the site and search the resume database.


VideoPro is a directory of video production professionals, video production and media services. Listings are accepted from individuals and companies working in any aspect of the video production business, or in related fields.

National Press Photographers Association

The National Press Photographers Association is an organization dedicated to the advancement of photographic journalism. Members include still and television photographers, editors, students and representatives of businesses that serve the photojournalism industry. Comprehensive site lists precious job leads.

Society of Broadcast Engineers

Lists broadcast engineering jobs. Members of the organization can get contact information online.

Minorities in Broadcasting Training Program

This organization works to Diversify the Newsroom by the placement of minority TV/radio news reporter and news management trainees at television and radio stations across the country.

International Association of Business Communicators

IABC represents all aspects of public relations and marketing. Pros turn to these pages for job links.

College Grad Job Hunter

Tends to the special needs of the graduate just making her/his way into the job market. Touches on the finer points of resumes and cover letters as well as interviews and negotiations.

Career Mosaic

Although less targeted at communication, Career Mosaic boasts numerous links to satisfy any Internet job seeker.

Online Career Center

Jobs site allows you to search by type of job and also how long it has been posted.

CareerSites virtual agent matches information about you with jobs which it keeps on file.

The Salary Calculator

Can you live on that salary offer? Find out with this interactive salary calculator. It compares where you live now with where you want to live. Its gonna cost you a lot more to live in the Big Apple, amigo!

The Monster Board

Don't want to limit yourself to North America? The Monster Board lists international jobs also. It was one of the first and one of the largest jobs sites on the net.

Career Resource Center

Career Resource Center goes to great lengths to snare job listings from papers, the Internet, and professional postings.

Corporation for Public Broadcasting

This page contains a large number of links to jos at Public Broadcasting Stations.

Broadcast Employment Services

TVJobs provides employment information, resumes, jobs, professional development, station info, and other related information. Check out its global freelance directory.

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