Pare, D. E., & Joordens, S. (2008). Peering into large lectures: Examining peer and expert mark agreement using peerScholar, an online peer-assessment tool. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(6), 526–540.
Joordens, S., Pare, D. E., & Pruesse, K. (2009). peerScholar: An evidence-based online peer-assessment tool supporting critical thinking and clear communication. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on e-Learning.
Pare, D. E., & Joordens, S. (2009). The invisible researcher: Using educational technologies as research tools for education. The Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 5(7).
Joordens, S., Desa, S., & Pare, D. E. (2009). The pedagogical anatomy of peer assessment: Dissecting a peerScholar assignment. The Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 5(7).
Joordens, S. et. al. (2012). Zen and the Art of Metacognition: Quality-Based Discrimination, Peer Assessment & Technology. Academic Matters: The Journal of Higher Education.
The following publications are currently in preparation:
Collimore, L., & Pare, D. E. Learning through teaching: Using peer assessment for the developmental sciences.
Joordens, S., & Pare, D. E. "I deserve a better mark": Examining fairness and awareness of deficit in the context of peer evaluation.
Pare, D. E., & Joordens, S. Tired of marking? Using peerScholar to explore the change in peer grading reliability as a function of increased number of peer evaluations.
Pare, D. E., & Joordens, S. To thine own self be true: Self-assessment in the context of peer assessment.
Pare, D. E., Velji, A., & Joordens, S. Mark the marker: using statistical techniques to judge marking quality in peer assessment.