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Pearson Canada - Mike Delgaty, Lisa Hayden, Patricia Byers, Michael Nauth, John Tobey, Jeffrey Slater, Jamie Blair, Bob Blitzer - Stepping It Up, First Edition > Table of Contents/Sample Module

Mike Delgaty, Lisa Hayden, Patricia Byers, Michael Nauth, John Tobey, Jeffrey Slater, Jamie Blair, Bob Blitzer - Stepping It Up, First Edition book cover

Table of Contents/Sample Module

Sample Module: Fractions

This sample contains prepublication material and
is subject to further editing prior to publication.

Module 1 - Math Study Skills
  1. Your Brain Can Learn Mathematics
  2. Using Your Textbook
  3. Homework: How, Why, When
  4. Taking Lecture Notes
  5. Reviewing a Chapter
  6. Managing Your Time
  7. Using Study Cards
  8. Preparing for Tests
  9. Tips for Taking Math Tests
  10. Making a Mind Map
  11. Analyzing Your Test Results
  12. Preparing for Your Final Exam
Module 2 - Whole Numbers
  1. Understanding Whole Numbers
  2. Adding Whole Numbers
  3. Subtracting Whole Numbers
  4. Multiplying Whole Numbers
  5. Dividing Whole Numbers
  6. Exponents and the Order of Operations
  7. Rounding and Estimating
  8. Solving Applied Problems Involving Whole Numbers
Module 3 - Fractions
  1. Understanding Fractions
  2. Simplifying Fractions
  3. Converting Between Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  4. Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  5. The Least Common Denominator and Creating Equivalent Fractions
  6. Adding and Subtracting Fractions
  7. Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers and the Order of Operations
  8. Solving Applied Problems Involving Fractions
Module 4 - Decimals
  1. Using Decimal Notation
  2. Comparing, Ordering, and Rounding Decimals
  3. Adding and Subtracting Decimals
  4. Multiplying Decimals
  5. Dividing Decimals
  6. Converting Fractions to Decimals and the Order of Operations
  7. Estimating and Solving Applied Problems Involving Decimals
Module 5 - Ratio and Proportion
  1. Ratios and Rates
  2. The Concept of Proportion
  3. Solving Proportions
  4. Solving Applied Problems Involving Proportions
Module 6 - Percent
  1. Understanding Percent
  2. Changing Between Percents, Decimals, and Fractions
  3. Solving Percent Problems Using Equations
  4. Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions
  5. Solving Applied Percent Problems
  6. Solving Commission, Percent of Increase or Decrease, and Interest Problems
Module 7 - Measurement
  1. Imperial Units
  2. Metric Measurements: Length
  3. Metric Measurements: Volume and Weight
  4. Converting Units
  5. Solving Applied Measurement Problems
Module 8 - Geometry
  1. Angles
  2. Rectangles and Squares
  3. Parallelograms, Trapezoids, and Rhombuses
  4. Triangles
  5. Square Roots
  6. The Pythagorean Theorem
  7. Circles
  8. Volume
  9. Similar Geometric Figures
  10. Solving Applied Problems Involving Geometry
Module 9 - Statistics
  1. Circle Graphs
  2. Bar Graphs and Line Graphs
  3. Histograms
  4. Mean, Median, and Mode
Module 10 - Signed Numbers
  1. Adding Signed Numbers
  2. Subtracting Signed Numbers
  3. Multiplying and Dividing Signed Numbers
  4. Scientific Notation
Module 11 - Introduction to Algebra
  1. Variables and Like Terms
  2. The Distributive Property
  3. Solving Equations Using the Addition Property
  4. Solving Equations Using the Division or Multiplication Property
  5. Solving Equations Using Two Properties
  6. Translating English to Algebra
  7. Solving Applied Problems
Module 12 - Trigonometry
  1. Angles and Radian Measure
  2. Angles and the Cartesian Plane
  3. Right Angle Trigonometry
  4. Solving Applied Problems Involving Trigonometry
Appendix A: Consumer Finance Applications
Appendix B: Tables (Addition, Multiplication, Prime Factors, Square Roots)
Appendix C: Scientific Calculators
Appendix D: Metric and Imperial Measurements
Appendix E: Useful Formulas from Geometry

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