book cover

learning features

People learn in different ways, so this book includes a range of features designed to assist learners in understanding at the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural levels. Each chapter contains the following elements:

Preview: Key concepts that will be addressed in the chapter

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Summary: A short review at the end of each chapter that summarizes important ideas

Conversations: A unique feature presenting teacher–student dialogues that offer reflections on frequently asked questions

Sample interviews: Annotated interview excerpts that illustrate and explain chapter concepts

Success Tips: Short, practical ideas for counselling success

Illustrative Figures: Diagrams that support or embellish chapter concepts

Exercises: End-of-chapter reflective questions to give readers practice developing skills, self-awareness, and creative thinking.

Weblinks: Links to websites related to the chapter’s material.

Available january 2010

© 2011 • ISBN-13: 9780135074558 • 416 pages

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