Saskatchewan Grade 4
- Complete Teacher Resource
- Chapter 1: Exploring the Land
Page 15 Go Online! Find out more about how Saskatchewan was promoted to newcomers in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
- Saskatchewan Settlement Experience
- Steps to a Homestead
- Florence Duckett (Homesteader Experience)
Page 19 Go Online! Find more photos and information about historic architecture in Saskatchewan.
- Provincial Heritage Property
- Architectural Heritage Society of Saskatchewan
- Historic Places
- Chapter 2: A Special Relationship with the Land
Page 39 Go Online! Discover more about the history and culture of one of the First Nations in Saskatchewan: the Nihithawak, Nehinawak, Nehiyawak, Nakawewiniwak, Denesuliné, or Oceti Sakowin.
- Our Legacy
- History of the Denesųłiné
- Saskatchewan Stories
Page 45 Go Online! Find out more about the contributions of Métis people to the development of Saskatchewan.
- Métis History, Culture, and Traditions
- The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
- Back to Batoche
Page 53 Go Online! Watch the videos on the Office of the Treaty Commissioner website to learn more about treaties in Saskatchewan.
- Office of the Treaty Commissioner (Video Library: Volume 1)
- Chapter 3: Discovering Our Past
Page 71 Go Online! Watch a video of an archaeological dig at Wanuskewin [wah-nus-KAY-win] Heritage Park.
- Wanuskewin Heritage Park: Archaeological Dig
Page 75 Go Online! Visit a virtual exhibit of winter counts and find out more about the robe shown on this page.
- Lone Dog's Winter Count: Keeping History Alive
Page 76 Go Online! Watch a simulation of how the Earth’s magnetic field flips.
- Earth’s Magnetic Flip
- “How Compasses Work”
- “Why Does the North Pole Move?”
Page 89 Go Online! Check out the most recent data about where immigrants come from now.
- Saskatchewan Statistical Immigration Report 2009–2011
Page 95 Go Online! Visit an interactive learning centre to find out more about the history, culture, and traditions of the Métis people.
- Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
- Métis History, Culture, and Traditions
- Chapter 4: Saskatchewan Today
Page 113 Go Online! Learn about the history and traditions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis games that are part of the North American Indigenous Games.
- North American Indigenous Games
- North American Indigenous Games (Regina 2014)
Page 118 Go Online! See how Denesuliné hand games are played.
- Denesuliné Hand Games
- Fun with Hand Games
- Chapter 5: Governance in Saskatchewan
Page 157 Go Online! Learn more about the structure of the provincial government.
- The Provincial Government Structure
- Chapter 6: Governance and Quality of Life
Page 171 Go Online! Find out more about the responsibilities of the federal government.
- Parliament of Canada
Page 172 Go Online! Learn more about Saskatchewan’s national parks.
- Across Canada Tourism
- Tourism Saskatchewan
- Chapter 7: Agriculture in Saskatchewan
Page 216 Go Online! Look for photos and videos that show the challenges early farmers faced when clearing the land.
- Saskatchewan Archives Board—Saskatchewan Settlement Experience
- Celebrating Saskatchewan’s Heritage
- Saskatchewan Stories About Work—Friends and Neighbours
- Chapter 8: Resources and Innovations
Page 230 Go Online! Find out more about mineral resources in Saskatchewan.
- The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan—Mineral Resources
- Saskatchewan Mining Association—Educational Resources
Page 244 Go Online! Discover some of the latest innovations from Saskatchewan
- The Saskatchewan Western Development Museum—Saskatchewan Innovations
- Government of Saskatchewan—Innovation Saskatchewan
- Innovation Week
- The Saskatchewan Western Development Museum—Made in Saskatchewan: A Story of Invention (index 1905–1980)
- University of Saskatchewan—Kids Camps
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