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New as of August 2005!

Installing the MyEconLab Player and Plug-ins:

Doing online homework:

Linking directly to assignments from the Calendar: Students can click an assignment name in the MyEconLab Calendar to go directly to that homework assignment.

Tracking class performance:

Setting point values: Instructors can set a point value for each item on a test or homework assignment so that items with a higher level of difficulty can carry greater weight.

Printing tests: Instructors can print tests for their own reference from Test Manager. Answers are printed in place, with the questions. This feature is especially useful for previewing test questions. An instructor can create a test with all the questions from a given section or chapter, then print and review it.

Overriding prerequisites: Instructors can allow certain students to bypass a prerequisite assignment. From the gradebook view for tests, quizzes, or homework by student, instructors can remove or reapply a prerequisite requirement for individual students.

A more detailed list of new features is available in the MyEconLab Control Panel under Instructor help.