Pearson Canada - Michael R. Solomon, Judith L. Zaichkowsky, Rosemary Polegato - Consumer Behaviour, Buying, Having, and Being, Fifth Canadian Edition > Features

Michael R. Solomon, Judith L. Zaichkowsky, Rosemary Polegato - Consumer Behaviour, Buying, Having, and Being, Fifth Canadian Edition book cover


Hallmark Features

New Features

Reviewer Quotes

"This text is written in a very clear manner. The biggest complaint I have about most other Consumer Behaviour texts is that they are written in a very dry style and they fail to bring real-world links into the learning equation. This text makes the effort to bring the language to a level that students can understand and relate to. This is no easy task with the amount of terminology that is referenced. Well done."

New "CB As I See It" box: "Yes, I like this idea! Very innovative, so sends a good message. I think it would help us teachers, as well, to see what they are thinking."

"Yes, the improvements between the 3rd and 4th editions were good and the 5th edition will continue to build on the strengths of the 4th edition."

Table of Contents

Section 1: Consumers in the Marketplace
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
Section 2: Consumers as Individuals
Chapter 2: Perception
Chapter 3: Learning and Memory
Chapter 4: Motivation and Attitudes
Chapter 5: The Self
Chapter 6: Personality and Lifestyles
Chapter 7: Attitudes
Chapter 8: Attitude Change and Interactive Communications
Section 3: Consumers as Decision Makers
Chapter 9: Individual Decision Making
Chapter 10: Buying and Disposing
Chapter 11: Group Influence and Opinion Leadership
Chapter 12: Family Decision Making
Section 4: Consumers and Subcultures
Chapter 13: Income and Social Class
Chapter 14: Age Subcultures
Chapter 15: Canadian Identity and Subcultures
Section 5: Consumers and Culture
Chapter 16: Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour
Chapter 17: The Creation and Diffusion of Culture
Index (Product, Service, Corporate, and Celebrity Indexes)

Available April 2010

© 2011 • ISBN: 9780131384323 • PAGES: 624

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