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additional resources

For instructors:

Instructor’s Resource CD
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-509778-6

Testgen and Test Item File
This printed and electronic test bank contains thousands of questions, each checked for accuracy. Also included is TestGen software, which enables professors to create and tailor exams to their needs.

Instructor’s Resource Manual
Organized by chapter, this guide offers detailed lecture outlines and complete descriptions of all available lecture demonstrations, interactive media assets, common student misconceptions, and more.

Instructor’s Solutions Manual
This manual contains step-by-step solutions to all end-of-chapter exercises, including the Integrative and Advanced Problems.

PowerPoint Slides
Four different sets of PowerPoints slides accompany this text.
Set 1. All the images and tables from the text
Set 2. Classroom presentations, ready to be used during lectures
Set 3. Clicker Questions for use with Classroom Response Systems
Set 4. Worked Examples reproduced from the textbook

To create a more streamlined textbook for you and your students, some elements of the ninth edition have been removed from the text and appear on MasteringChemistry and the Instructor’s Resource CD. These elements include Focus On discussions and answers to the Practice Examples, Selected Exercises, and Selected Self-Assessment Exercises.

Transparency Package
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-703215-0

This set contains hundreds of full-colour transparencies from the text. Chosen specifically to put key principles into a visual perspective, it is designed to save you time while you are preparing for your lectures.

For students:

Study Card
This card is a concise, quick-reference card covering key topics in each chapter of the text. The Study Card comes free with every purchase of a new book.

Solutions Manual
This comprehensive manual offers worked-out solutions to help students check their work.

Math Review ToolKit
This toolkit contains a chapter-by-chapter review of the essential math skills required for each chapter, as well as a brief review of writing in chemistry.

Text Available February 2010

© 2011 • ISBN-13: 9780136121497 • 1396 pages

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