Save Time. Improve Results.
MySocLab is a state-of-the-art, interactive and instructive online solution for introductory sociology. It combines a complete e-book version of Sociology, and includes multimedia tools, tutorials, tests, quizzes, games, and more. MySocLab gives students valuable resources needed to save time and improve results.
Watch this video and learn more about MySocLab!
Multimedia Library
Students can explore important sociological concepts by watching relevant television news stories, listening to interviews with prominent researchers and social scientists, reading current newspaper articles, viewing animations of important data, and performing other hands-on activities
Study Plan
The personalized study plan includes a pre-test and post-test
customized study plan: generated by self-assessments, MySocLab produces customized study plans for students and addresses different learning styles while helping students to study independently. It identifies areas of weakness and strength to focus students' attention and efforts where they are needed the most.
NEW eSAM Online Student Activities Manual for additional practice!
eStudent Activities Manual, includes:
-Chapter Summary
-Learning Objectives
-Chapter Outline
-Extra Practice
-Fill in the Blank
-Match the Social Scientist
-Essay Questions
Available January 2010
© 2011 • ISBN-13: 9780138002701 • 736 pages
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