Think big, act small and make a difference

School Division publishes and sells learning and teaching resources in all formats, in all required subject areas across all grade levels K–12 in Canada. Our goal is to maintain our market-leading position in customer satisfaction by publishing exceptional teaching and learning solutions that are delivered on time at competitive prices. We offer value-added service support in the core curriculum areas: English/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies and French as a second language.

Learning solutions from Canada and the world.

Our imprints—Addison-Wesley, Ginn and Prentice Hall—reflect our successful experience in providing learning solutions for schools in Canada.

School Division also sells a vast range of professional materials for teachers, supplementary resources for special needs and struggling students, and quality early literacy resources from around the world.

Customer-driven, innovative solutions that make a difference.

Our commitment is to remain customer-driven in all the things we do: in the products we develop and sell, in the services we provide and in the relationships we build. That means developing all our people—whether authors, publishers, editors, sales representatives, or marketers—to be innovative lifelong learners who make a positive difference in the lives of customers.

Every day is an opportunity to do better.

Our challenge as the largest school publisher in Canada is to think big, act small and make a difference for our customers. We welcome the constant stretch required to do it better every day.



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Penguin Group (Canada)
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Higher Education
Penguin Group (Canada)
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