The Complete Idiot's Guide® to
Buying and Selling a Home in Canada Bruce McDougall, Shelley O'Hara
What's the best time to buy or sell a home? You don't have to be a real estate agent to know the answer to this question and many more. Now the mysteries of buying and selling a home are revealed In the completely revised and updated edition of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Buying and Selling a Home in Canada. Maybe you can paint a straight line and even install track lighting, but when it comes to buying or selling your home, you break out in a cold sweat. This Idiot's Guide will help you make sense of the often complicated world of real estate, providing all the information yot need to sell your existing home and buy new digs, with or without an agent. You get straightforward steps to make it through every stage of the process, plus jargon-free advice in a user-friendly format. This book includes:
About the Authors: Shelley O'Hara, a bestselling author of more than 30 books, worked with a team of experts and realtors to write this book. She knows exactly how to help you buy and sell a home.