Core and Explore 2001: The Investing Rush Without the Ruin Duff Young
Finally! A guide that recognizes our new social attitudes about investingwe find it fun. Picking a stock, trading an index, and buying online all provide a "rush." In Core and Explore, bestselling author Duff Young suggests a new approach enabling you to separate your serious money from your sizzle and embrace the taboo world of technological investing without being whipsawed by mistakes. The "core" strategies involve holding on to better mutual funds and professional advice-givers, but Young also shows how smart people "explore" for great stocks, pursue venture capital, and even try their hand at active trading. The book is one of the best reference guides available for cutting-edge research on funds and stocks and offers special free online access to www.FundMonitor.com, where the newest research is always up-to-the-minute. While dishing the dirt on mutual funds, Core and Explore also features:
About the Author: Previous Edition 0-13-015995-6