Winning the Education Savings Game RESPs and Other Strategies for Canadians, 2000 Edition Tim Cestnick
It's every parent's dream to have their children graduate from a post-secondary educational institution. It is also every parent's dream to be able to support their young scholars through the education years.
Unfortunately, the last few years in Canada have made this dream very difficult to attain. In fact, this past summer most Canadian university undergraduate programs increased their tuition by 9%, and some programs hiked their fees by an astonishing 19%. Never before has proper education savings strategy been so important.
Winning the Education Savings Game: RESPs and Other Strategies for Canadians discusses a variety of issues related to paying for education and provides a comprehensive overview of this issue for the reader. Canadians and their financial advisors will find this book to be a very effective and practical guide to understanding and implementing a comprehensive savings program for any education.
Winning the Education Savings Game, the most complete book in Canada on saving for an education, makes for an informative read with its conversational writing style and examples of real-life situations.
Tim Cestnick, Canada's leading tax and financial planning expert comes out swinging with Winning the Tax Game 2000the fully updated millennium edition of his must have guide. Next up is the all-new Winning the Education Savings Game, the most authoritative book of it's kind devoted to helping you develop a sound saving strategy for your children.
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