The Financial Planner for 50+ The Complete Guide for Every Canadian over 50 Andrew Dagys
With mortgages mostly paid off, millions of 50+ Canadians are now earning, inheriting, and investing billions of dollars. But are they investing in the right financial instruments and markets? Are they knowledgeable about the role of tax, estate, and insurance planning in preserving their hard-earned capital?
The Financial Planner for 50+ addresses the financial needs of mature Canadians. This book reveals higher-yielding guaranteed investments that 50+ Canadians should be aware of. In addition, there are many new equity-oriented financial products that are ideal for the Canadian investor. The Financial Planner for 50+ spotlights these new, creative, tax-advantaged, and better yielding "managed investments," which include segregated funds, systematic withdrawal plans, and REITs. All are growing steadily in popularity.
Also inside are strategies for:
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