Wood, Wood, Wood, Desmarais
The World of Psychology,
Fourth Canadian Edition |
Before you begin
Ask your instructor if he or she has created a MyPsychLab course and will be distributing a
MyPsychLab Course ID in class.
Only your instructor can give you a Course ID
If your instructor does not have a Course ID and is not going to set up their own MyPsychLab
course, you can still have access to the Companion Website for The World of Psychology,
Fourth Canadian Edition.
Do You Have a Course ID? (Example: smith12345)
Your code grants you 12 months of access to MyPsychLab.
Do not discard your access code card!
Your instructor can choose to create their MyPsychLab course and distribute their Course ID at any time.
Only by keeping your access code card will you be able to register for this course, and access MyPsychLab's
rich resources, when it is created.
Visit www.mypsychlab.com for more information about MyPsychLab, and to see other books that are accompanied by
MyPsychLab courses.