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2A _____exchange rate policy is one that relies on the unregulated forces of demand and supply to determine the exchange rate. (8)
4A nation's balance of trade may initially worsen before it improves in response to a currency depreciation. This situation is called the ______effect. (1,5)
8______ barriers refer to the various hidden ways that nations restrict imports. (9)
10Trade in goods is shown in the ______account section of the balance of payments. (11)
13The establishment of a free trade zone between two or more nations is referred to as economic ______. (11)
16The free trade agreement that was signed by Canada, U.S. and Mexico in 1994 was called ______in its abbreviated form. (5)
17A currency is said to ______when its value rises relative to another currency. (10)
21From Canada's viewpoint, a trade transaction that increases the demand for the Canadian dollar is called a(n) ______. (6)
23The ratio of the average price of a nation's exports to the average price of a nation's imports is called the _____. (5,2,5)
24The currency that has been created to encourage trade between European nations. (10)
25The practice of selling a good abroad at a price below its cost is called ______. (7)
28Reserve assets created by the IMF that nations can use to settle international payments are called ______rights. (7,7)
32A market-determined exchange rate is called a ______exchange rate. (8)
33From Canada's viewpoint, a trade transaction that increases the supply of the Canadian dollar is called a(n) ______. (6)
34The ability to produce more output from given inputs, when compared to other nations. (8,9)
35 The ______measures the difference between the total value of exported goods and services and the total value of imported goods and services. (7,2,5)


1U.S. lumber producers claim that the _____fees that Canadian lumber firms pay when trees are cut down in Canada are below market rates. (8)
3______monetary policy will tend to decrease the Canadian exchange rate. (12)
5The European _____is the name for the trading bloc of European nations. (5)
6A ______tariff is designed to shield domestic producers from foreign competition. (10)
7The ______ parity theory states that over the long run, the exchange rate between two currencies adjusts to reflect relative price levels. (10,5)
8In Canada, the annual balance in the investment income account is typically ______. (8)
9A ______exchange rate policy is one in which the government sets the exchange rate. (5)
11When the exchange rate is determined by both market and government forces, this is called a ______policy. (5,5)
12The ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost compared to other nations. (11,9)
14A ______tariff is usually applied to a product not typically produced in Canada. (7)
15Trade in goods and services and transfers is shown in the ______account section of the balance of payments. (7)
18In a given year, a current account deficit implies a capital account ______. (7)
19The central banks of nations hold quantities of foreign currencies called official international ______. (8)
20Historically speaking, Canadian tariff policy can be attributed to the ______policy. (8)
22A tax on an imported product is called a ______. (6)
26______ is a financial strategy that reduces the chances of suffering losses arising from foreign exchange rate risk. (7)
27Trade in financial assets is shown in the ______account section of the balance of payments. (7)
29A ______ balance in the balance of trade means that, during the year, imports exceeded exports. (7)
30The trade organization that replaced GATT is called ______in its abbreviated form. (3)
31A policy that restricts the quantity of imports is called a ______. (5)

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