Abel: "A Home at the End of the Journey"
(Chapter 2)
This site features the questions that appear on the citizenship test.www.macleans.ca
Abel's article first appeared in Maclean's magazine.
Badami: "My Canada"
(Chapter 3)
Read the January Magazine interview with Anita Rau Badami.www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/Bahri/Badami.html
A biography of Badami along with an essay about her novel Tamarind Mem.www.bookbrowse.com/dyn_/author/authorID/779.htm
At BookBrowse you will find a biography of Badami along with an interview and an excerpt from Tamarind Mem.www.prod.esso.ca/thisis/publications/review/437mycanada.htm
Badami's essay originally appeared in the Imperial Oil Review.
Bidini: "Kris King Looks Terrible"
(Chapter 1)
Some of Dave Bidini’s writings.www.drog.com/rheostatics/start.html
The Rheostatics is Bidini’s band.www.drog.com/rheostatics/stories/bidini/bid.html
Dave Bidini’s writings from the Rheostatics website.www.savvytraveler.com/show/features/2001/20010525/feature3.shtml
Judith Ritter provides another description of SkyRink on the Savvy Traveller website.
Bissoondath: "Religious Faith Versus Spirituality"
(Chapter 6)
Neil Bissoondath on the millennium.www.schoolnet.ca/greatquestions/e/q2_intro.html
On the Great Canadian Questions site you'll find two essays by Bissoondath, as well as a biography and bibliography.
Butala: "The Myth: The Prairies Are Flat"
(Chapter 3)
Read a biography and bibliography of Sharon Butala.www.shared-vision.com/old_site/y00m06/storya01.html
This site contains an interview with Sharon Butala from Shared Vision magazine.
Choy: "I'm a Banana and Proud of It"
(Chapter 7)
Wayson Choy writing on the millennium.www.banffcentre.ca/press/contributors/abc/choy_w
Banff Centre profile of Choy.
Choyce: "Thin Edge of the Wedge"
(Chapter 1)
Offers a brief biography of Lesley Choyce along with several of his poems as well as his writing philosophy.www.pottersfieldpress.com/authors/choycel.html
Here you will find a list of Choyce’s publications as well as a link to the publishing company he helps run.www.writersunion.ca/c/choyce.htm
This site gives the Writers’ Union of Canada biography of Choyce along with a list of selected publications.
Clugston: "Twice Struck"
(Chapter 7)
This site has some impressive photographs of lightning.www.lightningsafety.com
Visit the National Lightning Safety Institute.sln.fi.edu/franklin/rotten.html
The World of Benjamin Franklin.
Cohen: "Zada's Hanukkah Legacy"
(Chapter 2)
Matt Cohen won the Governor General's Award for fiction in 1999.www.web.net/owtoad/cohen.html
Margaret Atwood's appreciation of Matt Cohen was published in The Globe and Mail in December 1999.
Connelly: "Touch the Dragon"
(Chapter 2)
Connelly is a member of the League of Canadian Poets.www.lonelyplanet.com.au/dest/sea/thai.htm
Learn more about Thailand at the Lonely Planet site.shanmonster.lilsproutz.com/interview/001.html
Read an interview with Karen Connelly.
Coren: "Dogs and Monsters"
(Chapter 4)
Stanley Coren's official website.www.spca.bc.ca/animalsense/Spring2001/dogSenseSpring2001.htm
Read an article by Stanley Coren in Animal Sense Magazine.
Cowan: "TV Me Alone"
(Chapter 9)
"The Sheer Force of Attitude," about CityTV and Moses Znaimer, is another of Cowan's articles from Wired.www.mtr.org
Visit the Museum of Television and Radio.
Cross: "Life in the Stopwatch Lane"
(Chapter 5)
Enter "Amy Willard Cross" in the search field to find other articles by this writer.www.globeandmail.ca
The Globe and Mail is the source of this article.
Dahl: "The Role of the Media in Promoting Images of Disability"
(Chapter 10)
Dahl was a 1993 recipient of the Order of British Columbia.www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/pblct/forum/e062/e062e.shtml
Read an article by Marilyn Dahl for the Canadian government entitled "Under-Identification of Hearing Loss in the Canadian Federal Inmate Population."
Dyer: "Flagging Attention"
(Chapter 5)
A CBC biography of Gwynne Dyer.www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags
Flags of the world.aurora.icaap.org/archive/dyer.html
An Aurora Online interview with Gwynne Dyer.www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/skelton/dyer_bio-e.asp
The Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs biography of Gwynne Dyer.
Ehrenreich: "The Ecstasy of War"
(Chapter 10)
Read an interview with Barbara Ehrenreich.www.ffrf.org/fttoday/april2000/ehrenreich.html
This site features an essay by Barbara Ehrenreich entitled "My Family Values Atheism."
Ferguson: "The Sudbury Syndrome"
(Chapter 6)
A January Magazine interview with Will Ferguson.www.yorku.ca/ycom/profiles/past/aug98/current/dept/gprofile/gprofile3.htm
A profile of York University alumnus Will Ferguson.www.city.greatersudbury.on.ca
The home page of the City of Greater Sudbury.
Fiorito: "Breakfast in Bed"
(Chapter 4)
Here you will find a brief biography of Fiorito along with links to excerpts from his books.www.ryerson.ca/rrj/content/print/2001/summer/mcphee.html
Read an interview with Joe Fiorito.cbc.ca/millennium/authors/fiorito.html
"That's Progress," an essay by Fiorito.www.epicurious.com/run/fooddictionary/browse?entry_id=9702
Epicurious dictionary: popover.
Foot: "Boomers Dance to a New Beat"
(Chapter 5)
Read Canspeak's biographical information of David Foot.www.thelavinagency.com/canada/davidfoot.html
Read the Lavin Agency's biography of David Foot.www.couch.ca/history/1992/Foot.html
Here you will find a summary of one of David Foot's lectures.
Foster: "Why Blacks Get Mad"
(Chapter 3)
This site gives a book review of Foster's novel "Sleep On, Beloved."www.magenta.nl/crosspoint/cnd.html
This site gives a number of links to anti-racist websites throughout Canada.www.naacp.org
Visit the official website for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Gladwell: "Is the Belgian Coca-Cola Hysteria the Real Thing?"
(Chapter 4)
Gladwell's site contains details about his book The Tipping Point, an archive of his New Yorker articles, and biographical information.www.bookbrowse.com/index.cfm?page=author&authorID= 392&view=interview
An interesting interview with Gladwell.www.theatlantic.com/unbound/interviews/ba2000-03-29.htm
Interview with Malcolm Gladwell in The Atlantic.www.pbs.org/newshour/gergen/jan-june00/gladwell_5-22.html
PBS interview with Malcolm Gladwell.
Heighton: "Elegy in Stone"
(Chapter 2)
Random House Canada's profile of Steven Heighton.www.mcdermidagency.com/heighton.htm
Read a profile of Heighton from his agent.www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?source=memorials/ww1mem/vimy
Veterans Affairs Canada site with information and pictures of Vimy Ridge.
Highway: "What a Certain Visionary Once Said"
(Chapter 1)
Here you will find biographical information about Tomson Highway, including a list of his publications and awards, and a link to an interview with the author.tv.cbc.ca/lifeandtimes/bio1996/highway.htm
This biography of Tomson Highway comes from the CBC program Life and Times.www.prod.esso.ca/thisis/publications/review/mycanada.htm
This site contains an essay by Tomson Highway entitled “My Canada.”
Hill: "Don't Call Me That Word"
(Chapter 7)
Visit Lawrence Hill's personal website for biographical and bibliographical information as well as reviews and samples of Hill's writing.www.wier.ca/lhill.html
Lawrence Hill is a participant in the Writers in Electronic Residence program.www.macleans.ca
Hill's essay was first published in Maclean's magazine.
Hummel: "A Passion for the Environment: Two Accounts"
(Chapter 6)
Monte Hummel is the 2001 recipient of the Harkin Award, recognizing his lifelong career contribution to wilderness protection.www.wwfcanada.org
Hummel is the president of the World Wildlife Fund Canada.www.queensu.ca/quarterly
Hummel's essay comes from the Queen's Quarterly journal.
Kilpatrick: "Winnie-the-Pooh and the Canadian Connection"
(Chapter 10)
Kilpatrick's essay comes from the Queen's Quarterly journal.qsilver.queensu.ca/classics/KAAMS2.htm
Kilpatrick is a director of the Kingston Association for Archaeology and Mediterranean Studies.www.pooh-corner.com/pooh.html
A short history of Pooh and Winnie
King: "Why We Crave Horror Movies"
(Chapter 8)
Visit Stephen King's official website.www.horrorking.com
This site offers extensive biographical information on Stephen King.www.stephenkingnews.com
Find updated information about Stephen King at this site.
Kingsolver: "Life Without Go-Go Boots"
(Chapter 3)
Visit Barbara Kingsolver's official website.www.salon.com/16dec1995/departments/litchat.html
Read an interview with Barbara Kingsolver from Salon.www.commondreams.org/views01/0923-03.htm
"A Pure, High Note of Anguish" is an essay by Kingsolver published on Sunday, September 23, 2001, in the Los Angeles Times.www.landsend.com
Kingsolver's essay originally appeared in the Lands' End catalogue.
Lau: "More and More"
(Chapter 8)
This site provides a biography of Evelyn Lau, as well as a list of books published by Northwest Passages.www.januarymagazine.com/profiles/lau.html
A January Magazine interview with Lau.www.coolwomen.org/coolwomen/cwsite.nsf/f85b4e3889247adc8525645600629c11/1f13e01c95b6cfe3852565d2005c4055?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,Evelyn
In-depth biography of Evelyn Lau.
Littlejohn: "You Are a Contract Painkiller"
(Chapter 4)
This site contains information on ASA from the PDR Nurse's Drug Handbook.
McKinley: "Opera Night in Canada"
(Chapter 6)
Douglas & McIntyre has descriptions of a selection of McKinley's books as well as a short biography.www.nsnews.com/issues99/w052499/opera.html
Read an article in the North Shore News about how the opera Game Misconduct came to be.
McQueen: "Why We Crave Hot Stuff"
(Chapter 8)
Biographical page on Trina McQueen.magazine.carleton.ca/2000_Winter/134.htm
Trina McQueen won the A.D. Dunton Award in 1999.www.rcc.ryerson.ca/ccf/personal/hof/mcquee_t.html
McQueen is a member of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame.www.journalism.ubc.ca/publications.html
Read a review of McQueen's book "Journalism in the New Millennium."
Mustafa: "My Body Is My Own Business"
(Chapter 9)
Read Emily Monroy's article "The Chador: A Western Woman's Perspective."http://www.al-sunnah.com/principles.htm
This site gives detailed information about the principles of Islam.
Newman: "We'd Rather Be Clark Kent"
(Chapter 9)
Read the Great Canadian Questions biography of Charlotte Gray.www.nlc-bnc.ca/9/2/p2-0105-07-e.html
Read about the writing of Gray's most recent biography of E. Pauline Johnson.www.schoolnet.ca/greatquestions/e/bio_q5_newman.html
Read the Great Canadian Questions biography and bibliography of Peter C. Newman.www.nlc-bnc.ca/2/6/index-e.html
Heroes of Yore and Lore: Canadian Heroes in Fact and Fiction.www.schoolnet.ca/greatquestions/e/tools_4_0.html
Submit an entry to the Dominion Institute's Great Canadian Questions essay competition.
Pittaway: "Dead Wrong"
(Chapter 8)
Pittaway's essay originally appeared in Chatelaine magazine.radio.cbc.ca/programs/ideas/shows/grief/index.html
"Meditations on Grief" was broadcast on CBC's Ideas in 1996.
Polegi: "There's a Better Environmental Way to Farm"
(Chapter 9)
Juanita Polegi works for the Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association.www.sia.sk.ca/index.html#branch
Learn more about agrology and agrologists.www.cbc.ca/commentary
Polegi's essay was broadcast on CBC radio's Commentary.
Quarrington: "Home Brew"
(Chapter 4)
This is an excellent site with extensive information about Quarrington.www.us.imdb.com/Name?Quarrington,+Paul
The Internet Movie Database Ltd. has a filmography and biography for Paul Quarrington.www.realbeer.com
This extensive beer site includes the following sections: brew tour, breweries, links, brew 'zines, burp me, notes, events, patrons, games, brew travels, authors, and retail.
Rebick: "The Culture of Overwork"
(Chapter 9)
Judy Rebick is the publisher of rabble.ca and also the alter ego of the "auntie" on this site.www.cbc.ca/news/viewpoint/columns/rebick
Read Rebick's columns.www.canspeak.com/speakers/rebickj/
A profile of Rebick on the CanSpeak website.archive.salon.com/tech/feature/2001/03/01/white_collar_sweatshop/
"The Age of Overwork" from Salon magazine.
Richards: "My Old Newcastle"
(Chapter 1)
Read the January Magazine interview with David Adams Richards.www.nlc-bnc.ca/3/8/t8-6012-e.html
David Adams Richards won the Governor General’s Award for non-fiction in 1998.www.mcdermidagency.com/Richards,%20David%20Adams/home.htm
At Richards’ agent’s site you will find a profile as well as information about Richards’ books.www.miramichi.org
The City of Miramichi website.
Robinson: "Starving for the Gold"
(Chapter 8)
Competitor is an online, interactive sports magazine.www.sfwed.org/default.php
"Something Fishy," an eating disorder site, provides extensive information on various eating disorders.
Solomon: "The Babar Factor"
(Chapter 6)
A January Magazine interview with Solomon.www.cbc.ca/programs/sites/hottype_bio.html
CBC profile of Solomon.www.speakers.ca/esolomon.html
Speakers' Spotlight profile of Solomon.
Solomon: "Too Much Privacy Can Be Hazardous to the Person"
(Chapter 9)
www.urban-renaissance.org/urbanren/index.cfm?DSP= larry&SubID=163
Read a variety of articles by Lawrence Solomon from the National Post and Next Citywww.c-p-i.org/cpi/staff.html
The Consumer Policy Institute has a profile of Lawrence Solomonwww.epic.org/privacy/privacy_resources_faq.html
The Electronic Privacy Information Centre offers an online guide to privacy resources.
Stein: "Developing a National Voice"
(Chapter 9)
Read the Great Canadian Questions biography and bibliography of Janice Gross Stein.www.utoronto.ca/provost/univprofs/Stein.htm
Read the University of Toronto biography of Janice Gross Stein.www.schoolnet.ca/greatquestions/e/tools_4_0.html
Submit an entry to the Dominion Institute's Great Canadian Questions essay competition.www.cbc.ca/ideas/massey/massey2001.html
Janice Gross Stein delivered the 2001 Massey Lecture on "The Cult of Efficiency."
Steinem: "The Politics of Muscle"
(Chapter 6)
Find biographical information about Steinem at the National Women's Hall of Fame.www.femalemuscle.com
Lori Victoria Braun's musclezine focuses on athletic and powerful women.www.motherjones.com/mother_jones/ND95/gorney.html
Read an interview of Gloria Steinem by Cynthia Gorney in Mother Jones magazine.
Swan: "Nine Ways of Looking at a Critic"
(Chapter 5)
Read York University's biography of Susan Swan.www.wall-of-fiction.com/swan/author.html
Read a review as well as an interview with Susan Swan about her novel "Stupid Boys Are Good to Relax With."
Taylor: "Pretty Like a White Boy"
(Chapter 7)
A Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia profile of Taylor.www.operation-dialogue.com/lafontaine-baldwin/e/2001_article_gm_taylor.html
"Seeing Red Over Myths": an essay by Drew Hayden Taylor.www.ipl.org/cgi/ref/native/browse.pl/A185
Native American Authors Project: Drew Hayden Taylor.www.thescream.ca/bios/2002/d_taylor.shtml
Drew Hayden Taylor participated in the 2002 Scream in High Park.
Tjia: "Of Lemons & Lemonade"
(Chapter 1)
See Tjia’s Pedigree Girls website.www.previewmysite.com/mcgilldaily.com/archives/november152001/culture01.html
Read a profile of Sherwin Tjia.www.exclaim.ca/common/display.php3?articleid=749
At this site you will find an article about Tjia and his Pedigree Girls website.U
Wallerstein/Blakeslee: "Second Chances for Children of Divorce"
(Chapter 5)www.divorcesoftware.com/advisors/Dr_Judith_Wallerstein.htm
This Divorce Software site includes a biography of Judith Wallerstein and a bibliography of her books.www.divorceinfo.com/judithwallerstein.htm
Two critiques of Wallerstein's research.search.barnesandnoble.com/bookSearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=6WLRY27W87&isbn=0786863943&displayonly=excerpt
Read an excerpt from Wallerstein and Blakeslee's latest book here.Wearing: "Last Snowstorm"
(Chapter 2)www.januarymagazine.com/nonfiction/honeymoonin.html
Read a review of Alison Wearing's book Honeymoon in Purdah from January Magazine.www.colage.org/kids/newsletter.html#tales
"Tales from a Multifunctional Family" by Alison Wearing.Wiwa: "Say It With Numbers"
(Chapter 7)radio.cbc.ca/programs/asithappens/international/kenwiwa.html
An As It Happens feature interview with Ken Wiwa on CBC radio.www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=0-676-97173-3#desc
The Random House description of Wiwa's book, "In the Shadow of a Saint."www.workopolis.ca
Wiwa's essay comes from the Workopolis website.X