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Addison Wesley Science in Action 9   program comes with a comprehensive teaching and learning package!

Student Edition (0-201-72963-6)

The student textbook is 100 percent aligned to the new curriculum, delivering both contents and activities with scientific rigour appropriate for grade 9. There are several unique features that make our book unique - features that, according to our authors and Alberta teachers, improve student success. We are proud to incorporate these new features into the resources. Each section in a unit begins with a short statement rather than a title. This statement is designed to provide a cognitive framework for students to construct their understanding. Each subsection in the student text has a natural pedagogical flow providing options to support your teaching. For example, to start a lesson you might assign a reading or an activity from the text or use the motivational and interesting infoBIT. Also innovative are the three types of "hands-on" activities that complement the three emphases:

  • Inquiry activities align with the Nature of Science emphasis
  • Problem Solving activities align with the Science and Technology emphasis
  • Decision Making activities align with the Social and Environmental Context emphasis.

We were Canada's first publisher to use this model in our science resources. The student text also includes short activities that can be completed in the classroom as a whole class, in groups or as teacher demonstration. For Science in Action 9 these include Give it a try, Quicklab, and Skill Practice activities.

Assessment is an integral part of the program. If we expect students to be active learners, we believe they should have opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned in an active way. End of Unit tasks (such as a case study activity called Science World and a student performance-based Project) provide students with these opportunities. Questions at the end of each section, subsection, and unit are used as formative assessment. The authors have taken care to be true to proper preparation for the Grade 9 Achievement Test.

Teacher's Resource Package (0-201-72965-2)

The Teacher's Resource Package helps with the day-to-day preparation of teaching science by providing detailed teaching suggestions. Each lab activity has teaching suggestions as well as assessment strategies. It has been developed with both the experienced and new Science teacher in mind.

Appended to each unit are line masters for specific use within the unit, section quizzes, and unit tests. For student skills support, reproducible science skill worksheets and reading-strategy activities are provided. Activity-based rubrics, skill-based rubrics, and student-product rubrics are included for assessment support. Like the student text, the teacher's resource package was developed to meet the goals of the Grade 9 Achievement Test.

Computerized Testbank (0-201-76995-6)

Contains over 100 questions specifically designed for Grade 9 and preparation for the Achievement Test. Questions comprise of true/false, fill in the blank, short answer, problem-solving, and critical thinking applications.

Colour Transparencies (0-201-72967-9)

25 Colour transparency pages of technical art, drawings, and illustrations specifically designed with Grade 9 content. The package includes an electronic image bank on CD ROM.


The website includes links to additional information, updates, and information on professional development. A companion portion of the website will be password protected as of October 1, 2002 and will offer students further questions relating to the topics discussed in the textbook.