The WriteStuff | Answer Key

Exercise 1 (Parts of Speech)
Article Pronoun Noun Adjective
1 a who children, term, people,
Adult, dysfunctional
2 One, both, their parents, children, children adult,
3 a one, them children, characteristics,
number, responsibility
Dysfunctional, adult, similar
4 Many, others, nothing people, challenges, life,
Many, difficult
5 we, our Dysfunction, patterns,
responsibility, choices
positive, thought

Verb/Verb Form Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjection
1 is, used, to describe,
grew up
2 may have abused emotionally,
of or, or
3 have, Trying, to shift, is of, of
4 have, blaming, solves in, but, or
5 can be overcome, form,
for if, and

Exercise 2 (Parts of Speech)
Possible Answers:
1. (a) Imagine how cheap travel would be if we could fly. (Verb)
(b) Is that a fly in my chocolate? (Noun)
2. (a) I just don’t understand this computer program. (Noun)
(b) Can you program my computer to do translation? (Verb)
3. (a) If anything goes wrong, contact me immediately. (Verb)
(b) The pilot lost contact with the control tower. (Noun)
(c) Contact cement is a useful household item. (Adjective)
4. (a) I don’t care if you don’t like me. (Verb)
(b) You look a lot like your sister. (Preposition)
5. (a) Let’s go for a hamburger after work. (Preposition)
(b) After I studied my graduation photos, I placed my order. (Conjunction)
6. (a) I have always wanted to be a model. (Noun)
(b) You could model clothes and pay for your college expenses. (Verb)
(c) The model airplane soared into the air and then into the pond. (Adjective)
7. (a) Two weeks on a sunny beach is the only type of vacation that appeals to me. (Adjective)
(b) The clerk didn’t unpack the shipment; he only piled the boxes in the corner. (Adverb)


Exercise (Prepositional Phrases)
1. Saving money for retirement has become an essential part of budgeting.
2. The Registered Retirement Savings Plan market has grown in recent years as more and more people realize that government pension funds may not be available for their retirement years.
3. Since the federal government limits the amount of money a person can invest in an RRSP fund, it is wise to make the maximum contribution each year.
4. If you prefer to invest your retirement money where it will also contribute to society and the environment, you might want to invest in an Ethical Fund RRSP.
5. Money in any of the Ethical Funds in Canada will be invested only according to strict guidelines.
6. For example, money in Ethical Funds will be invested only in companies that use technologies or products that do not harm the environment.


Exercise 1 (Identifying Subjects)
1. The view from the top of the CN Tower is spectacular.
2. Do you have time to take this to the post office for me?
3. It is difficult to find good help these days.
4. Owning a franchise is a big responsibility.
5. The economy has been growing steadily in Canada.
6. In business it is essential to know your competition.
7. The word downsizing has the capability of making employees nervous.
8. Taking responsibility for one’s choices is not a popular idea.
9. Passing the buck or making excuses is the more popular choice.
10. There was a letter to Eaton’s in the desk in the old house.

Exercise 2 (Identifying Subjects)
1. Humber and George Brown are two of the many community colleges in Ontario.
2. Are you going to send the package by courier?
3. One of the reliable new couriers is Flash.
4. The Internet can be a tool for good or for evil.
5. Phone me after supper, Rosa. (Subject is you)
6. Thinking and writing are two inseparable communication skills.
7. The reporter went into the store at the end of the street.
8. When was the computer installed in your office?
9. The local company will lay off 200 workers at the end of the week.
10. The majority of Canadians die without a will.


Exercise 1 (Identifying Verbs)
1. The night view from the top of Mont Royal in Montreal is spectacular.
2. Do you have time to take this to the post office for me?
3. It is difficult to find good help these days.
4. Starting your own business is a big responsibility.
5. The world economy has been changing rather rapidly.
6. In business it is essential to know your competition.
7. The word downsizing has the capability of making employees nervous.
8. Taking responsibility for one’s choices is not a popular idea.
9. Passing the buck or making excuses is the more popular choice.
10. There was a bag of gold nuggets in the old prospector’s desk.
11. Durham and Centennial are two of the many community colleges in Ontario.
12. Are you going to send the package by courier?

Exercise 2 (Identifying Verbs)
1. One of the reliable new couriers is Flash.
2. The Internet can be a useful tool or a waster of time.
3. Phone me after supper, Emilio. (Subject is you.)
4. Thinking and writing are two inseparable communication skills.
5. The reporter went into the store at the end of the street.
6. When was the computer installed in your office?
7. Federal and provincial elections are opportunities for change.
8. Mutual funds have been a popular choice for Canadian investors.
9. Employers seek and value effective communicators.
10. Political promises are often only words spoken before an election.
11. Informal reports are usually less than ten pages in length.
12. In the 1990s provincial governments focussed on balanced budgets.


Exercise 1 (Identifying Objects)
1. The view from the top of Old Smokey is spectacular.
2. Do you have time to take this to the post office for me?
3. It is difficult to find good help these days.
4. Owning a franchise often requires the owner to work long hours.
5. The economy has been growing steadily in Canada.
6. The lawyer found a will worth millions in the old miner’s desk.
7. Algonquin College and La Cité attract students from many parts of Ontario.
8. The midnight fire alarm startled the residents in the retirement home.

Exercise 2 (Identifying Objects)
1. Are you going to send the books by courier?
2. Flash is one of the reliable new Canadian couriers.
3. The Internet can be a waster of time or a useful tool.
4. Phone me before lunch, Kim. (Subject is you.)
5. Can you meet me at the cafeteria for lunch?
6. Six of our employees accepted the early retirement package.
7. Mutual funds have been a rapidly expanding investment market in Canada.
8. Arlene’s co-workers and friends bought a new set of cookware for her retirement party.
9. The new sales associate lacked confidence for the first week in the shoe department.
10. With the three top players on the injured list, the Senators lost their last chance to make the playoffs.
11. Jeffrey buys a new car every year.
12. The photocopier needs new toner.


Exercise (Simple Sentence)
1. S V
2. SS V
3. S VV
4. V S?
5. (S) V
6. SS VV
7. V S V?
8. V S
9. S VV
10. SS V
11. SS VV
12. V S?
13. S V
14. (S) V
15. V S V?
16. S VV
17. V S
18. V S


Exercise (Compound Sentence)
Individual Answers


Exercise 1 (Complex Sentence)
Individual Answers

Exercise 2 (Complex Sentence)
Individual Answers

Exercise 3 (Complex Sentence)
1. The apparent customer chatted with the sales associate (while his accomplish stole a valuable piece of jewellery).
2. The rumour could be true (even though it seems doubtful).
3. I remember the moment (when Donovan Bailey won gold at the Olympics and set a world record).
4. (When I graduated from high school), I wanted to travel for a year (before I started looking for employment).
5. (Because the economy is improving), it should be easier to find a job.
6. I couldn't wait (until the train came in from Montreal).
7. (When two convicts escaped from the new maximum security prison on its first day of operation), government officials were embarrassed.
8. Employees (who spend company time playing computer games) are soon going to be held accountable.
9. I knew (that I could succeed)( if I kept trying).
10. Celine Dion, (who is probably Canada's most talented singer), sang an original song at the opening of the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta.
11. In 1990, Algonquin College began a five-year restructuring plan (that reduced the five Ottawa campuses to two).
12. A politician (who earned the respect of the world) is Nelson Mandela.
13. (Even though Canadian scientists have made many medical discoveries), no one yet has discovered a cure for AIDS.
14. Many of the fans started to leave the arena (once it was evident)( that their team would lose the game).


Exercise (Comma Splice and Run-On Sentences)
1. CS
2. RO
3. RO
4. CS
5. RO
6. CS
7. RO
8. C
9. CS
10. RO
11. CS
12. RO


Exercise (Sentence Fragments)
1. Drug testing of Olympic athletes has become a necessity in order to ensure fairness. Especially in the past few years.
Solution: Drug testing of Olympic athletes has become a necessity in order to ensure fairness, especially in the past few years.
2. One commercial claims that all you have to do to lose weight is to drink a shake twice a day. You can stir it, blend it, or freeze it, giving you a variety of choices to avoid boredom.
Solution: C

3. When we came home from shopping, the first one to greet us was my baby sister; my father’s pride and joy.
Solution: When we came home from shopping, the first one to greet us was my baby sister, my father’s pride and joy.
4. My room is in the basement so I don't get much privacy ; although, privacy isn't important to me unless I'm studying.
Solution: My room is in the basement so I don't get much privacy; although privacy isn't important to me unless I'm studying.
5. A Pepsi commercial in the 1990s featured MC Hammer, one of the great singing and dancing artists of our time; therefore, giving Pepsi an advantage over Coke.
Solution: A Pepsi commercial in the 1990s featured MC Hammer, one of the great singing and dancing artists of our time, therefore giving Pepsi an advantage over Coke.
6. Commercials try to create a need in the consumer. To make the buyer want something or experience something new.
Solution: Commercials try to create a need in the consumer to make the buyer want something or experience something new.
7. An effective commercial will have a catchy tune to it. Allowing the listeners to store the tune in their subconscious.
Solution: An effective commercial will have a catchy tune to it, allowing the listeners to store the tune in their subconscious.
8. I have decided on my goals for the coming year. To get at least one article published and to read two books each month.
Solution: For the coming year I have decided to get at least one article published and to read two books each month.
9. Shazel fell while she was running. Trying to catch the bus.
Solution: Shazel fell while she was running to catch the bus. (...was trying to catch the bus.)
10. Working as fast as they could; Pete and Terry finished the report just twenty minutes ahead of the deadline.
Solution: Working as fast as they could, Pete and Terry finished the report just twenty minutes ahead of the deadline.

11. Pietro has had a difficult life. Since moving to Canada from Croatia.
Solution: Pietro has had a difficult life since moving to Canada from Croatia.
12. Quickly dialing her cell phone, Amanda reported the accident to the police.
Solution: C


Exercise (Modifier Confusion)
1. Shifting nervously in my chair, the confident interviewer looked at me and said, “Relax.”
Solution: As I shifted nervously in my chair, ...
2. Correct
3. Writing for three weeks, the report was finally finished.
Solution: Writing for three weeks, we finally finished the report.
4. Standing on the sidewalk, the bus driver completely ignored me.
Solution: As I stood on the sidewalk, ...
Solution: Standing on the sidewalk, I was completely ignored by the bus driver.
Solution: The bus driver completely ignored me standing on the sidewalk..


Exercise 1 (Parallel Structure)
Possible Answers
how to study.
1. In my reading course I learned how to listen to a lecture, how to take notes, and effective study techniques.
2. At the Student Union you can bowl, play pool, watch TV or there are often movies being shown.
3. I like living in Kingston because I can go fishing, sailing, or take a ski trip without going far.
4. Correct
5. The weather today will be hot, humid and clouds will block the sun.

Exercise 2 (Parallel Structure)
Possible Answers
1. My job doesn't pay much, but I have interesting work, good fringe benefits, and I get a three-week vacation.
2. Correct
3. I haven't decided to go into medicine or be a lawyer.

4. When we got to work, we saw police asking questions, a dog sniffing lockers, and there were a couple of officers who were giving instructions.
5. I am fed up with low wages and listening to criticism from my manager.


Exercise 1 (Subject - Verb Agreement)
1. (Has, Have) you and Anna finished the proposal?
2. Six employees, including our newest worker, (has, have) been nominated for the Employee of the Month Award.
3. The letter explaining our decisions (is, are) ready for mailing.
4. Three months to get ready for the marathon (is, are) not long enough to become properly conditioned.
5. One of the vandals (was, were) surprisingly young, so we debated what type of punishment would be appropriate.
6. Either the file cabinets or one of the desks (has, have) to be moved to make room for the copier.
7. Either one of the desks or the file cabinets (has, have) to be moved to make room for the copier.
8. Where (is, are) the scissors and the paper clips?
9. Macaroni and cheese (is, are) what I want for my main course at supper tonight.
10. Every one of the computers (has, have) been stolen or vandalized.
11. The opening and conclusion of the report (was, were) written clearly and concisely.
12. Office staff are nervous this morning because both the area manager and the company president (is, are) about to arrive.
13. Physics (was, were) my worst subject in university.
14. The jury (is, are) disagreeing on the credibility of one of the witnesses.
15. The number of impaired driving convictions (has, have) dropped in recent months.

Exercise 2 (Subject - Verb Agreement)
1. Where (is, are) the car keys?
2. Every one of those buildings (needs, need) a new roof.
3. Mary, Barry, and Larry (has, have) gone to look at computer programs.
4. There (is, are) some oranges in the fruit bowl.
5. (Has, Have) Bill, Clayton and Yuri returned their books to the library?
6. Which one of those guys (sings, sing) in the choir?
7. Here (is, are) the two top winners of the Corel PHOTO-PAINT contest.
8. Each of the winners (receives, receive) $500 and all the Corel software.
9. Everything in these files (was, were) done in WordPerfect.
10. She (doesn't, don't) want to go with us to Montreal.
11. One of the boys (was, were) supposed to meet you at the train station.
12. One hundred dollars (is, are) far too much to pay for a shirt.
13. The Horrifying Cliffs (was, were) very tense reading.
14. A list of coming squash games (has, have) been posted on the bulletin board.
15. None of the photographers (was, were) able to escape the raging celebrity.
16. The measles (was, were) thought to be eradicated until new cases developed in the 1990s.
17. The technician who (maintain, maintains) our printers is gorgeous.


Exercise (Pronoun Agreement)
1. Once Janis and her friends could see the CN Tower, she didn’t feel lost anymore.
2. C
his or her
3. Each of the group members worked at their own work station until the draft of the report was ready.
4. A few of my co-workers expect his or her approval for attending the conference to arrive in today’s inter-office mail.
his or her
5. Everyone in my department will have a chance to express their ideas on the reorganization plan.
6. Neither my colleagues nor Mrs. Polonski wants to give me their opinion on my presentation.
7. The social committee and the charity committee both gave its report before the end of the staff meeting.
his or her
8. Every student in my class passed their Marketing 101 exam.


Exercise 1 (Pronoun Case)
1. I will invite anybody but (her, she) to my house party.
2. Did you and (her, she) decide on the colour of the office?
3. Are you and (she, her) planning to move to Vancouver?
4. The only people to sign up for the game are Silvia and (me, I ).
5. George is faster in math than (me, I ).
6. Three of (we, us) managers will represent the company at the Trade Show.
7. Helena and ( I, me) have been invited to the San Antonio conference.
8. My brother is twelve years older than (her, she).
9. I’ve never known anyone who gets depressed as often as (she, her).
10. I will help clean the garage next week if you will let Billy and (me, I) go to the game this afternoon.
11. We appreciate (you, your) taking the time to speak with us.

Exercise 2 (Pronoun Case)
1. Do you think the promotion will be given to Alan or (her, she).
2. You have more luck than ( I, me).
3. Bernice and (she, her) will be transferred to the branch store in Regina at the end of the month.
4. My dream was realized when my husband and (me, I ) won a trip to Hawaii, all expenses paid.
5. The rest of the class didn’t study as much as ( I, me), so they didn’t get the grades they wanted.
6. One of (us, we) women will be the new manager.
7. The landlord let José and (me, I) paint the corridor walls in our building instead of paying rent for three months.
8. “Will you and (he, him) be coming to the graduation banquet?” Jillian asked.
9. It was (they, them) who were trying to break into the house.
10. Tom Cruise and ( I, me) took an imaginary trip into the jungle to find a kidnapped film director.
11. At the staff picnic, we found out that the women are better baseball players than (we, us) men.


Exercise (Pronoun Reference)
1. Steele put the CD into his knapsack and then forgot where he put it.
Solution: Steele put the CD into his knapsack and then misplaced the knapsack.
2. In big cities they often join a gang so they can feel they belong.
Solution: In big cities teenagers often join a gang so they can feel they belong.
3. In France they like to drink wine with their meals.
Solution: The people of France like to drink wine with their meals.
4. Martha and her mother went to Watertown on the weekend to do some shopping, but she didn’t buy anything.
Solution: Martha and her mother went to Watertown on the weekend to do some shopping, but her mother didn’t buy anything.


Exercise (Pronoun Shift)
1. When students are getting over-tired, you must be alert to catching mononucleosis.
2. When citizens represent their country, you must be gracious.
Alternate Solution: When you represent your country, you must be gracious.
him or her
3. One should not expect the world to hand you an easy living.
Alternate Solution: You should not expect the world to hand you an easy living.
4. Correct


Exercise (Pronoun Sexism)
1. Nowadays, a doctor must find it hard to keep his knowledge current.
Solution: Nowadays, a doctor must find it hard to keep his or her knowledge current.
Solution: Nowadays, a doctors must find it hard to keep their knowledge current.
2. A policeman usually doesn’t like to answer a domestic violence call.
Solution: A police officer usually doesn’t like to answer a domestic violence call
3. When a student starts college, she often feels insecure.
Solution: When a student starts college, he or she often feels insecure.
Solution: When students start college, they often feel insecure.
4. Anyone going to Florida for the break should make his reservation early.
Solution: Anyone going to Florida for the break should make his or her reservation early.
Solution: If you are going to Florida for the break, you should make your reservation early.
Solution: People going to Florida for the break should make their reservations early.

Exercise (Voice)
1. The plants were being broken by the strong wind and rain.
Active: The strong wind and rain broke the plants.
2. Your report will be expected on my desk by Friday afternoon.
Active: I will expect you to have your report on my desk by Friday afternoon.
3. Do you remember which format was preferred by the previous CEO?
Active: Do you remember which format the previous CEO preferred?
4. A noise was heard.
Active: The children heard a noise.
5. Active
6. One of the most comprehensive and concise reports I have ever seen was submitted by Helena and her group.
Active: Helena and her group submitted one of the most comprehensive and concise reports I have ever seen.
7. Active
8. Two bystanders were struck by the car that went out of control.
Active: The car that went out of control struck two bystanders.
9. A new surgery technique has been developed by a Canadian surgeon.
Active: A Canadian surgeon has developed a new surgery technique.
10. The new models for this year’s automobiles will be released today.
Passive: Leave this passive if you want to focus on the new models rather than the car dealers.
11. A revision of the gun registration law will be introduced in the House of Commons this afternoon.
Active: The Liberals will introduce a revision of the gun registration law in the House of Commons this afternoon.
Passive: Leave this passive if you want to spotlight the legislation.
12. A calculator has been stolen from my desk this week, and a printer disappeared from the computer lab last week.
Passive: Leave passive because you don’t know who the thief is.
13. Active
14. Last night an unusual sight was seen in the midnight sky by residents of North York.
Active: Last night, residents of North York saw an unusual sight in the midnight sky.
15. Renovations were completed by the contractors on schedule, so we were able to move in to our new home before school started.
Active: The contractors completed the renovations on schedule, so we were able to move into our new home before school started.


Exercise (Apostrophe)
1. It’s not easy for someone to make that first public speech. In fact, having to make a speech is often a person’s greatest fear in life, according to surveys that have been taken. It has been said that people are more afraid of making a speech than they are of death.
2. Actors who have no fear of making movies will suddenly become very nervous when asked to appear on a talk show. I suppose it’s not the public appearance that frightens them but the uncertainty of what they might be asked.
3. A person’s self-esteem is mainly formed in the early years of life. The years that follow simply reinforce the inner self-evaluation already formed. It makes me angry when I see parents publicly berating their children. Don’t these parents realize that they are contributing to the unhappiness of their children’s futures.
4. Doesn’t it strike you as odd that this year the shopping malls are so quiet the day before Christmas. I remember that last year it was so crowded with shoppers’ I could hardly make my way through the crowd with all my parcel’s.
5. Of all the contest entries, your’s is the most interesting. I thought ours would be the best, but it just doesn’t measure up to yours. You must have spent hour’s doing all that intricate work.
6. The seasons come and go, and we all grow older as the year’s tick by. Men’s and women’s fashions change as often as the seasons, and people’s rush to stay in style is baffling to those who focus more on the real values of living. Our live’s are but a moment in the vastness of the universe, so should we not be less preoccupied with perishable treasures and concentrate more on values that will endure?


Exercise (Colon) (included in next chapter)

Exercise (Colon and Semicolon)
1. To win the case, the lawyer needed two things: a motive and a missing tape of a conversation with the victim.
2. Two qualities that I admire about you are your honesty and your love of people. (no colon after are)
3. The sun was setting in a reddish-gold sky, so I took advantage of the romantic moment and proposed to her. (no other punctuation needed)
4. Here are two basic solutions to growing debt: stop borrowing and start budgeting.
5. Three common addictions are alcoholism, cocaine and gambling. (no colon after are)
6. I like participating in contact sports such as Canadian football, wrestling and hockey. (no colon after such as)
7. During my working career, I have worked in four cities: Montreal, Halifax, Edmonton and Calgary.
8. On the first day of work at my new job, I embarrassed myself; I went into the wrong washroom.
9. I’m afraid I must end our business partnership because you miss too much time from work, and you took out a loan without discussing it with me. (no colon after because)
10. One vandal smashed the windows; another hoodlum sprayed red paint on the walls.
11. I need a few items at the post office: a pane of the latest stamp, six stamps for international mail and a Canadian money order for $60.
12. They signed the contract against my advice; as a result, now they are trying to get out of it.
13. I think we should cancel the business trip because the Weather Channel is announcing a blizzard. (no colon after because)


Exercise (Quotation Marks)
1. “Where did you put the inventory lists?” asked the supervisor.
2. Stats Canada announced that unemployment figures dropped during the last quarter.
(indirect quotation)
3. Was it Alex who said, “When will the next travel assignment be available”?
4. The actor said, “This constant hounding by the paparazzi is harassment.”
5. In the latest issue of Entertainment, the article “Upside Down in Belgium” was the story of the ride that left its riders hanging upside down for two hours waiting for rescue.
6. “When will you be leaving for Australia, Roma?” asked her uncle.
“When will you be leaving for Australia?” Roma asked her uncle.
7. “I’m not sure yet,” replied Roma, “but I expect it will be sometime next month.”
8. Karen asked, “Have you ever flown before?”
9. “Do your research on the weekend,” said the instructor. “On Monday we will start putting the report together.”
10. “I planned to go sailing on Saturday,” lamented Stefan.
11. “Well,” remarked Alanis, “you just might have to change your plans.”
12. “It isn’t easy,” explained the young mother, “to be a parent and a student at the same time.”
13. Brianne told me that you had decided to sell the house next summer. (indirect quotation)


Exercise 1 (Comma)
1. As soon as the new RRSP rates were announced, people began lining up at banks.
2. Slipping and sliding on the muddy slope, the hikers were beginning to wish they had stayed at home.
3. However, once they reached the top of the hill, the going was easier.
4. As the small boy leaned forward to touch the paper boat, he fell into the canal.
5. Grinning from ear to ear and looking tremendously pleased, the lottery winner waved the cheque at the photographers.
6. By adjusting the figures in the ledger, the accountant thought he had hidden the stolen funds.
7. If the hurricane doesn’t change its course soon, we had better start securing the house for an onslaught of heavy wind and rain.
8. In spite of our precautions, the hurricane blew the roof off the garage.

Exercise 2 (Comma)
1. Turn left on the next street, and you will see the church on the right.
2. Movie stars, music stars and royalty figures are all victims of paparazzi harassment.
3. Usha put the file in her desk, picked up her purse and walked quickly out of the office.
4. Last year Ben won the lottery, but he hasn’t been generous enough to help even his destitute parents.
5. You must stop these harassing phone calls, or I will call the police.
6. On my pizza I would like to have anchovies, double cheese, pepperoni and ground beef.
7. I waited one hour for the bus, but it never came.
8. I’ve told him several times that I’m not interested in dating, yet he keeps asking me and sending me flowers.
9. Our car hit a guard rail, but the airbags saved us from injury.
10. The economy is improving rather quickly, so I think interest rates might soon start to rise.
11. Computer programmers, nurses, teachers and parents need to be patient people if they are going to be effective.
12. The Thompsons own a Mercedes, a yacht, a motor home and a cottage on Lake Taho.
13. Parents, teachers, children and any concerned citizens were all invited to the meeting to discuss ways of dealing with weapons in the high schools of the city.

Exercise 3 (Comma)
1. Two of Canada’s heros, Terry Fox and Rick Hansen, showed us what is possible with determination of spirit.
2. Ahmed, Lucy, Paulos and Juan met me at the stadium where the Lynx were playing the deciding game for the trophy.
3. A popular Newfoundland writer, Kevin Major, has published several novels for adolescents.
4. Raul Torino, who is favoured to win the race, is only sixteen years old.
5. Steven Spielberg’s movie, Jurassic Park, has many tense moments for the viewer to enjoy.
6. My mother’s oldest brother, who is now 98 years old, believes he will live to be older than George Burns, who died at 100.
7. The concert was moved to a larger arena, but many fans of the rock stars still were not able to get tickets.
8. I braved the wind, snow and icy streets and made it to work on time, but I was the only one there.
9. Consider, for example, the effect that shop-lifting has on the overall price of products.
10. The Summer Olympics, which are held every four years, will be in Athens in 2004.
11. My first choice for a career is social work, but I would probably be just as happy as a teacher.
12. The fax machine is being repaired today, so I will send you a copy of the report tomorrow morning.
13. The computer that needs to be linked to the Internet is the one in the second office. (no comma before that)

Exercise 4 (Comma)
1. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) was born in 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia.
2. On September 5, 1997, in Calcutta, India, Mother Teresa died of a heart attack at the age of 87.
3. “No, I wouldn’t,” said Claude.
4. The year-round population of Dawson City, Yukon, is about sixty.
5. “I wonder,” said Josie, “how many honest politicians are in Canada.”
6. Saint John, New Brunswick, is the oldest incorporated city in Canada.
7. “Mr. Zephyr, your policy will mature on December 31, 2010," said the agent.
8. The nuclear explosion occurred in Ammon, New Brunswick, Canada.
9. One of the several community colleges in Toronto, Ontario, is Centennial.
10. “As time passes, Violet, your pain will not be so strong,” comforted Lyn.
11. In 1896 in Circle City, Alaska, beef was selling for $48 a pound.
12. Mai said, “I wonder why people in political positions make so many poor choices.”
13. “Claude, would you be interested in running for president?”
14. I started my career in Hamilton, Ontario, on May 23, 1955, and retired in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on December 15, 1997.
15. My uncle’s street address in 43 Kilborn Street, Edmonton, Alberta.
16. “Jon, the office renovations are an enormous improvement,” said Paula.